Nutrition for Weight Loss and Surgical Recovery


The Enhanced Recovery Program for Surgery

What are the benefits?

Enhance Recovery from Surgery

Enhanced recovery programs have been implemented to accelerate recovery from the stresses of surgery.  These programs are multi-faceted and one key element is to optimize nutrition.  The body demands proper nutrition to enhance immune system functions and repair damaged tissue. Overall, post surgical complications and hospital stay times have drastically been reduced after implementation of these programs. 

Our products provide the optimal protein, complex carbohydrates, and amino acids to enhance recovery.  Our clear liquid supplement, called NutraClear, is given on the day prior to surgery.  This drink is supplemented with citrulline and glutathione, which act to increase nitric oxide production and reduce oxidative stress. 

Compared to competitors, our products preserve glycemic control while having exceptional taste. Side to side comparisons have shown our compliance rates exceed our competitors!  

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Often times, patients are given "guidelines" to prepare for surgery without structure.  Our regimen delivers the key nutrients to tackle any surgery.    Learn more on how to implement our program.

What is unique about NutraClear?

Pre-operative Carbohydrate Loading

Anesthesia guidelines have traditionally recommended overnight fasting to reduce the risk of aspiration.  2011 ASA guidelines allow for Clear Liquids up to 2 hours before surgery.  NutraClear is appropriate nutrition immediately before surgery.

Benefits for Carboydrate Loading

Helps preserve gut stimulation and function.  Prevents dehydration before surgery.  The ability to consume liquids also reduces stress and anxiety.  

Citrulline and Glutathione

Nitric oxide (NO)  is important in promoting blood flow to vital tissue.  Citrulline is important in the endogenous production of NO while Glutathione protects against its oxidative reduction.  

Read More

American College of Surgeons.  Optimizing Nutrition Prior to Surgery.

Apfelbaum JL et al.  Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and the use of pharmacologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: Application to healthy patients undergoing elective procedures.  Anesthesiology 2011; 114(3):495-511.

Henrikson M, Hansen H, Dela F. Preoperative feeding might improve postoperative voluntary muscle function. Clin Nutr (1999); 

Mckinley-Barnard et al. Combined L-citrulline and glutathione supplementation increase the concentration of markers indicative of nitric oxide synthesis.  Journal of Int. Soc. Sports Nutrition.  2015: 12: 27

Noblett SE, Watson DS et al. Pre-operative oral carbohydrate loading in colorectal surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Colorectal Disease (2006); 8: 563-9.

Weiman, A et al. ESPEN Guidelines: Clinical Nutrtion in Surgery. Clinicial Nutrition 36 (2017) 623-650.